Our Mission:
To Disciple the Un-Discipled
Our Vision
To Develop a Movement of Discipling the Un-Discipled
We are excited to share our vision to start a new church in the North County San Diego area. We are thinking somewhere in the Vista, San Marcos or Escondido area. We have already launched the church and gather in the Rojas home on Friday nights at Sunday mornings.
It is true, there are many churches in San Diego County. So why plant another one? Simple, because there are countless people who have yet to be discipled. A demographics study of Escondido, San Marcos, and Vista reveals that less than 50% of the population in these cities consider themselves religious. Further, there are many who claim Christianity and have not advanced very far in their faith, or worse, don't even have a church to call home. It is our vision and mission to reach those who do not know Jesus and make them equipped followers of Jesus. This simply means that we desire to see people come to faith in Christ and intentionally become mature followers of him. Making a disciple means getting people to follow him. This is the beginning of the faith journey. Once a person is made a disciple, then comes the lifelong discipleship journey of becoming more like Jesus in character, attitude and intent. Our mission is to make disciples and to equip those who are already disciples to help them be more effective servants of God. To put it simply, our vision is to start a movement of discipling the undiscipled.